
Mom Hacks: Energize Yourself & Your Kids

“As a busy mom to three active kids, fueling myself well is super-important to me. I want to have energy and good health to be the best version of myself possible. I know how much it affects me not only physically, but mentally as well.” -Lauren B. 

What are some things you do to prioritize your diet as a busy mom? 

Shaklee Social Squad Mom Hacks: Energize Yourself & Your Kids, Shaklee Corporation“I’m really working on getting more protein in my diet as it’s so important for weight management, energy, and satiety. One of my favorite easy breakfast mom hacks is protein overnight oats!

I mix: 

  • 1 container of zero-sugar Greek yogurt 
  • 2 scoops of Collagen-9 
  • A splash of organic milk  
  • A packet of organic oatmeal  

Stir together and top with berries and organic peanut butter. This super-fast and easy breakfast gives me about 35 grams of protein! You can also add vanilla Life Shake, chia seeds, nuts, etc. It checks all the boxes: nutritious, delicious, easy, and filling!” 

How do you effectively control germs to safeguard your children’s health?  

“One of the easiest ways I try to keep my kiddos healthy is having them wash their hands after being at school or the store. Kids love foaming hand soap and it’s so easy to make a version that is inexpensive and doesn’t contain harmful and unnecessary chemicals. You can buy foaming hand soap containers on amazon if you don’t have any. Fill the soap container up about 2/3 with water and squeeze in about 1–2 Tbsp of Shaklee’s hand soap. Shake together and pump out.” 

How do you get your kids involved around the house?

“My kids are at the age where they want to earn money. What better way than to help with extra chores around the house!  

I’m so glad I have Shaklee’s cleaning products as they are so safe for my kids to use, safe for our environment, so cost-effective, and work so well! 

To mop floors, I fill up our mop bucket with hot water and squeeze in about 1 Tablespoon of Basic-H. It works so well! Have your kids help with cleaning the mirrors, windows, and doors, wiping down counters, dusting, vacuuming, and mopping. Watch how your home sparkles and your kids have the satisfaction of a job well done!” 

What are some things you do to nourish and feel your best? 

Shaklee Social Squad Mom Hacks: Energize Yourself & Your Kids, Shaklee Corporation“I really like to feel a little put together, protect my skin from sunspots and accelerated aging, but I don’t like to take a lot of time to get ready in the morning. 

Enter Shaklee’s YOUTH BB cream. Quick to apply, leaves me with a beautiful glow, and protects my skin with SPF and moisture.  

Add in a few quick swipes of mascara, tint and tone, under eye concealer, and lip glaze, and I’m on my way in just a few minutes. Best part: no harmful or questionable ingredients that can harm my overall health.” 

What are some key takeaways on managing the day-to-day wellness of yourself and your family?

“Prioritizing my family’s nutrition and health is really important to me, and although I know there is a lot outside of my control, I truly believe that small habits and simple swaps can make a huge difference. 

Keeping their water bottles filled and handy, offering up delicious Life Shake smoothies, preparing dinners with simple whole foods, checking the ingredients on products at the grocery store, packing fruit for their snack at school, air purifiers in their bedrooms, avoiding toxins in cleaning and self-care products, and giving them supplements daily to help fill in the gaps of their diets, these are some of the things we do to help them live a healthy lifestyle.  

After dinner my kids get Incredivites, Chewable C, and omega jelly. I also will sometimes split up the Good Gut & Go probiotic drink for them to have.” 

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